Greta Thunberg, who is sitting on the agenda of the world because of the movement he initiated against climate change, also came to a tribute to the famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio. The famous actor praised Greta Thunberg’s struggle against climate change with a photo he shared on Instagram. Greta’s message is a call to wake up to world leaders everywhere, DiCaprio said in the explanation part of the photo he shared. Leonardo DiCaprio also praised the work of young climate change activists. DiCaprio said he was more optimistic about the future because of the youth struggle.
A post shared by Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) on Nov 1, 2019 at 10:22am PDT Greta Thunberg became the pioneer of an international youth movement against climate change. The Swedish youth first held a protest in front of the Swedish Parliament in August last year. Greta called the action in front of the Swedish Parliament School Strike for Climate. Greta Thunberg’s strike inspired students from all over the world. Students from many countries, including Germany, Japan, the UK and Australia participated in the movement initiated by Greta. 4.5 million people liked Instagram with Greta Thunberg, shared 2 days ago by Leonardo DiCaprio. “History will judge us for what we are doing today to ensure that future generations can enjoy the habitable planet”, DiCaprio said.
A post shared by Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg) on Oct 29, 2019 at 12:37pm PDT Famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio is among the environmentally conscious artists. The Hollywood star has already made statements about environmental issues. The famous actor, in a statement to Newsbeat in 2016, said that climate change is the biggest problem faced by young people today. You may also like.