Upset by the death of George Floyd, a dead black man suffocated by four white police officers, Bella Hadid spoke on his Instagram account! How to stay put after George Floyd’s death? Indeed, the name of this 40-year-old black man is added to the list of racist crimes in the United States. Thus, the latter was killed by four white police officers. The reason ? They pressed him against the ground for long minutes and did not want to release him. However, George Floyd asked them to let him breathe. And as proof, a witness filmed the whole scene. Then, the young woman posted the video on the Web. So since the death of this individual on Monday, May 25, thousands of Internet users are mobilizing on social networks. They all demand justice! Moreover, many personalities are not indifferent to these extremely violent images. On Instagram, Miley Cyrus expresses the depth of her thought! But she’s not the only one! Yes, Bella Hadid is very shocked by the death of George Floyd. Thus, the young woman also wants to raise the subject.


Like Miley Cyrus, Bella Hadid can hardly believe it. The death of George Floyd is just another episode in racist crime. One more time… So, this is too much! And Bella Hadid intends to show her indignation on her favorite social network. And the pretty 23 year old brunette does not mince words! ” It’s horrible. Rest in peace, George Floyd. It is so unfair and police officers must be held accountable for their actions immediately, ”begins the latter. But that’s not all. Indeed, Bella Hadid continues: “I feel deeply sad and so sorry for George and his family. Rest in peace 💔 » You may also like.

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