There is often debate about whether Artificial Intelligence will replace human labor. He’s already taking his place. Have you ever thought about the possibility of being hired by Artificial Intelligence one day? It doesn’t seem that long to get the answer to that question. Because giant companies are already using artificial intelligence for Human Resources Management. Artificial intelligence is currently being used to assist Human Resources departments. It provides employees with information on matters they are curious about via bot chatbot ”. However, if it continues to develop rapidly, it seems that Human Resources can do exactly what it does in the future. This includes hiring and even dismissing someone. Technology companies are using these software right now, let’s look together. One day we will excuse artificial intelligence, not HR, for permission: The company’s software records the product selections you have previously made. So once again, when you want to shop, you come across products according to your previous choices. Not only that, by analyzing your membership membership information, location, age and many more, we offer similar products to similar people. Are we going to do in-house transactions through artificial intelligence? One of the biggest companies that come to mind when it comes to artificial intelligence is Google. Google doesn’t store millions of people’s information even in the search engine, it redirects your subsequent searches according to this information. As soon as you start to write a few letters, it guesses what you are looking for and brings it to you. Artificial Intelligences may know us better than ourselves in the future. The company now applies the same to its employees. The software, which records the interactions of employees with HR departments, then models them. So let’s say an employee wants to get information about severance pay. If the software has not received any data on this topic before, it directs it to the Human Resources Management officer. If you have knowledge of their own automatically responds by analyzing the data. After a certain period of time, Artificial Intelligence, who has knowledge about all subjects, can communicate with employees directly without any human support. It can even analyze employee data and respond to each employee differently. For example, an advanced Artificial Intelligence with all in-house information can sense that the employee is angry or upset at the moment, and shape his / her response accordingly. Artificial intelligence can determine your destiny in business, even now: IBM is one of the largest technology companies with more than 410 thousand employees and more than 170 countries. The company benefits from the blessings of intelligence to the end. Artificial intelligence analyzes the social media shares of the person applying for a job, the language they use on social media, and checks whether they have violence or anger problems. Not only that. It also analyzes the sentences and facial expressions used by the applicant. With the data obtained, it determines whether the person is suitable for the company. That is to say, the artificial intelligence determines the fate of the applicant. Who knows, maybe other companies will start using this kind of artificial intelligence software in the future. Advocates of this kind of software, artificial intelligence thanks to employers can get a more dynamic workforce, they say. This kind of software, which is currently in its infancy, is not likely to replace HR personnel in the future. Artificial intelligence software can be used not only for them but also for different fields.

3 Technology Companies Using Artificial Intelligence For Human Resources - 453 Technology Companies Using Artificial Intelligence For Human Resources - 63 Technology Companies Using Artificial Intelligence For Human Resources - 39